Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Pranic Body

                                   FIVE PRANAS  and breathing techniques for balancing them.
Five Pranas-  are profoundly effected by lifestyle. Physical activites like sleep, work, exercise, diet, and sexual activity all impact the flow of prana in the body. Emotions, thoughts, and imagination also have a strong impact on the pranic body.  One feels drained of energy when irregularities in lifestyle, bad diet and high stress levels deplete and block the pranic flow.  If this continues it eventually leads to disease and dysfunction in the particular areas of the body where the pranic flow is most obstructed.  Pranayama techniques help to reverse this process, energizing and balancing the pranas. It is best to practice pranayamas after yoga asana (postures) practice.

A. Apana prana
1-connected to the 1st and 2nd Chakras
2- eliminates toxins with a downward energy flow exp)feces, urine, menestration, sweat…
3- force which expels the breath
4- if too weak:  libido is low, constipation, skin problems, kidneys, urinary infectins, IBS, sexual dysfunctions, reproductive problems…
5- located below the navel region
6-provides energy for large intestines, kidneys, anus and genitals
7- benefits from apana activation: sit up straight and place hands below the navel, inhale through the nose, hold 10 seconds while concentrating on the lower abdomen, then exhale fully from the nose. (repeat 3 times)

B. Samana prana
1- connection with the 3rd chakra and located between the heart and navel.
2- governs digestive system, metabolism, liver, pancreas and stomach and their secretions
3- responsible for the production, distribution, and storage of food energy and nutrients
4- if unbalanced:  weight gain or loss, tired, vomiting, poor digestion, diareeha
5- blockages lead to: depression and low body image
6- benefits by doing ‘Kapalabhati’ breathing 100 times.
7- relates to Kundalini and expansion of consciousness

C. Maha prana (prana prana)
1- connected with the 4th chakra and the heart
2- located in the thoracic area of the chest
3- fuels the heart and lungs with energy for non-stop functioning
4- force which draws the breath in
5- when balanced: emotional balance and calmness, stability, shock absorption for stress response.
6- if too weak at risk for: heart attack, asthma, allergies, unstable blood pressure
7- benefits by doing ‘Bhramari’ (humming bee breath) , mantras, and Maha breathing technique with hands on the chest inhaling, hold breath for 10 sec.and concentrate with full awareness on the expanded area of the chest, then exhale through the nose.

D. Udana prana
1- energy rises upwards from the upper 4th, 5th,  6th,  and 7th chakras; lifts the energy like a flame
2- governs the neck and head regions activating all of the senses.
3- is responsible for posture, sensory awareness and the ability to respond to the environment
4- promotes spiritual progress and awakening of the kundalini
5- by using yogic techniques to purify the body toxic pockets are cleaned out and space is created allowing udana to be activated and thus pure energy can rise up
6- inverted asanas bring udana up but should not be practiced too soon or else toxins will rise up and cause headaches.
7- benefits from udana activation technique: place hands on the head, inhale through nose, hold 10 secs., exhale through the mouth (repeat 3 times)

E. Vyana prana
1- energy network that connects all 7 chakras and distributes energy created by yoga practice
2- pervades the entire body, controlling movement and coordinating the other pranas
3- also responsible for the circulation of hormones and the nervous system
4- if vyana is balanced you are stimulated by light asana practice and do not require more vigorous Ashtanga style yoga, which may cause energy build up (if vyana is low ) without enough distribution leading to stress.
5- benefits from Nadi Shodhana pranayama which stimulates it (see previous post)

*material adapted from Swami Vidyanand's Transformational Yoga and Swami Saraswati's 'Asana, Pranayama, mudra, Bandha'

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